Every workshop I take of yours has
improved me both as a teacher and
a person. Thank you for teaching
understanding and compassion.
— Janet Bartholomew, Writing Professor

REframe & Retain

Session Description

Professional development and education that informs and empowers educators to understand & effectively engage with marginalized student populations from under resourced cultures.


Through the use of presentation and relevant activities, the objectives of the professional development and training include:

  • An understanding from where students’ behaviors stem

  • An understanding how inequities impacts student learning and parental support & engagement

  • High impact strategies to build rapport and relationships with, and among, students to promote engagement, cooperation and success


With the adoption of the information and strategies presented in the professional development training, the school culture will improve in the following ways:

  • Educators will have an awakening of understanding that promotes empathy and compassion

  • Student misbehaviors and parental oppositions will lessen as a result of compassionate understanding

  • Anticipate and prevent situations that require resistant responses from students and parents

  • Responses to students’ and parents’ behaviors will change to an approach that is focused on cooperation and collaboration instead of responding in a way that promotes resistance and rebellion

  • As a result of these actions a culture of respectful, empathic, cooperation can take hold and grow student success, parental satisfaction and educator contentment

next steps

If you would like more information on how you bring this session to your campus or district, contact Amelia.